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Create a profile and become part of the community at NO cost. Our free members have access to Le Quotidien culture news and the Mot du Jour vocabulary learning. While a few courses are free, other courses can be purchased when you want, typically $25 each course, and you can purchase live learning sessions when the time is right for you. If you are a dedicated learner and want a more intense program, along with hundreds of additional Learning Resources and free courses, check out one of our subscription plans below.
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Billed monthly
Perfect for the self-paced learner
Access to 4 courses per month for free *
Access to Learning Resources ~ Listening, Speaking, Writing, Dictation Exercises, plus puzzles, flashcards and vocabulary lexicons
Free access to Le French Cafe and cultural webinars
Purchase live instruction sessions as you want
Grand Voyager
Billed monthly
Access to all courses *
Access to Learning Resources ~ Listening, Speaking, Writing, Dictation Exercises, plus puzzles, flashcards and vocabulary lexicons
Free access to Le French Cafe and cultural webinars
TWO 1-hour 1:1 live instruction sessions per month for courses, review and real-time dialogue
Voyager du Monde
Billed monthly
Access to all courses *
Access to Learning Resources ~ Listening, Speaking, Writing, Dictation Exercises, plus puzzles, flashcards and vocabulary lexicons
Free access to Le French Cafe and cultural webinars
FOUR 1-hour 1:1 live instruction sessions per month for courses, review and real-time dialogue