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Create a profile and become part of the community at NO cost. Our free members have access to Le Quotidien culture news and the Mot du Jour vocabulary learning. While a few courses are free, other courses can be purchased when you want, typically $25 each course, and you can purchase live learning sessions when the time is right for you. If you are a dedicated learner and want a more intense program, along with hundreds of additional Learning Resources and free courses, check out one of our subscription plans below.

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What a better gift can you give to someone that LOVES learning, maybe has always wanted to learn French, or already has everything!
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Billed monthly
  • Perfect for the self-paced learner
  • Access to 4 courses per month for free *
  • Access to Learning Resources ~ Listening, Speaking, Writing, Dictation Exercises, plus puzzles, flashcards and vocabulary lexicons
  • Free access to Le French Cafe and cultural webinars
  • Purchase live instruction sessions as you want

Grand Voyager

Billed monthly
  • Access to all courses *
  • Access to Learning Resources ~ Listening, Speaking, Writing, Dictation Exercises, plus puzzles, flashcards and vocabulary lexicons
  • Free access to Le French Cafe and cultural webinars
  • TWO 1-hour 1:1 live instruction sessions per month for courses, review and real-time dialogue

Voyager du Monde

Billed monthly
  • Access to all courses *
  • Access to Learning Resources ~ Listening, Speaking, Writing, Dictation Exercises, plus puzzles, flashcards and vocabulary lexicons
  • Free access to Le French Cafe and cultural webinars
  • FOUR  1-hour 1:1 live instruction sessions per month for courses, review and real-time dialogue

* Does not include DELF Exam Preparation Courses. Up to 50% discount available for Subscription students

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